LG debuts a 21.5” 4K monitor as well as a 27” 5K monitor

They will gel perfectly with Apple’s latest MacBook Pros.

If you are caught up by Apple’s new offerings, including the MacBook Pro but you require more screen real estate than just 15” of Retina Display, do checkout what LG has to offer.

LG’s 21.5” UltraFine 4K and 27” UltraFine 5K monitors could be the ideal companion to Apple’s new MacBook Pro line.

Apart from the uber resolution, their biggest selling point is the ability to charge the new MagSafe-less laptops over the same Thunderbolt 3 connection, which delivers, data, video and audio. Furthermore, they also feature 3 USB-C ports on the back which led Phil Schiller to describe them as “the ultimate docking station” during today’s Apple’s “Hello Again” event.

Both monitors provide a FaceTime-ready camera and a microphone with built-in speakers.

The larger 27” monitor will set you back by $1,229.95 while the smaller 21.5” will cost only $699.95.

Today, only the smaller 21.5” is available for pre-order. If you order today expect it to ship in late November. The bigger 27” should be available later in December.

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